Kids took over the organ

Victoriahavn orgelklubb – the organ club in Ankenes (Narvik) Norway and the cantor organist Øivind Bakken with friends visits different areas around Narvik. He has stages with the hand pumped organ for “children” of all ages. Offering fun with air, pumps, balloons, whistles and keyboards! The DOE organ is mounted on an organbike. We take a trip in the local with bicycles and organ music at the front. Alternative program inside w/bad weather. Hospitality. 

Children’s Day with ORGELKIDS has the UN’s goal 7. “Clean energy for all” as sustainability with a focus on cycling, music, health, the environment and raw muscle power! It gives joy through increased self-confidence, strengthening community, competence development, physical skills and ability to communicate.

With the DOE-organ and the organbike we invite the locals and the children to the music and a happy party with soft drinks and a good taste of hot freshly baked waffles😊 Last Monday, 28th of August, we visited Håkvik and the children took over the organ and the bike.

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Educational projects working with the Orgelkids organ kit can be found in many countries: